Common Challenges of Being A Small Business Owner and Solopreneur

Every small business owners and solopreneurs can relate this, are you a start up owners? Learn the common challenges of being a business owners here.

challenges of being a small business owner and solopreneur

"Strength and growth come only through continuous efforts and struggles." -Napoleon Hill

Have you ever come across someone who asserted that operating a business was simple? NO! Why? Because developing the self-discipline and perseverance to even develop a thought process for handling the problems and challenges faced by small businesses requires a lot of practice. 

Small business owners are the true multitaskers who wear many different hats. They are the bookkeeper, strategic planners, customer service agents, and project managers and they are responsible for every process of it. Being a small business owner is rewarding, but it can also get emotionally draining. Being such is like a dream come true for many people.

However, it is not an easy task to master, it is a long-distance race through an arcade full of unexpected obstacles. It is a life of continuous stress and pressure caused by business challenges and according to studies conducted by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS), there is an increasing number of business failures each year.

Poor location, inexperience, poor management, insufficient cash, unanticipated growth, personal use of funds, excessive investment in fixed assets, and bad credit arrangements are common causes of business failure.

If you are dreaming of owning a business, then let me prepare you! In this article, I will provide you with the common challenges that small business owners and solopreneurs are encountering. 

Time Management

time management

First on the list is time management. Some of you might not agree with me, especially those people who aren’t in business yet, you might currently have a lot of time, and that's why you wanted to start a new venture. It is somewhat true, it is easy to manage your OWN TIME, but you also need to remember that you have a lot of responsibilities that need to finish within a given time and sometimes you just want to divide your body so you can accommodate all of it at the same time. 

While time is infinite, the hours of a day are not. One of the biggest challenges of being a solopreneur is having multiple responsibilities. As a solopreneur, you may have to manage your own business which is involved in every process, from production to delivery, and also fulfilling personal obligations such as family and social activities. It can be difficult to find the balance between work and personal life, but by using effective time management strategies you can overcome these difficulties and reach your goals.

There are a number of effective time management strategies. One such strategy is to establish specific, measurable goals for each day. This will help you track your progress and determine when you have achieved your objectives. Additionally, it is important to set deadlines for tasks so that they are not left unfinished. This will help to ensure that the work is completed on time and in accordance with expectations.

Risk Management


As a solopreneur, you are essentially the CEO, CFO, CTO, and every other c-suite position combined. With no one else to rely on, the success or failure of your business falls entirely on your shoulders. You face a variety of risks every day, from financial risks to legal risks and everything in between. While some risks may be out of your control, others can be managed or even avoided altogether. That is why managing risk is even more critical for solopreneurs and SME than it is for larger businesses. 

As a business owner, it is crucial to learn how to manage risks because there are always potential risks that can impact your business. These risks can come from a variety of sources such as market changes, supply chain disruptions, economic downturns, or even natural disasters. However, by learning how to identify, assess, and manage these risks, you can effectively mitigate their impact on your business and safeguard its future.

Here are some tips on how to manage risk in a business:

  1. Identify Potential Risks: The first step in managing risk is to identify potential risks that could affect your business. This can include risks related to financial operations, human resources, legal compliance, cybersecurity, and more.

  2. Assess the Likelihood and Impact of Risks: Once you have identified potential risks, you need to assess their likelihood and impact. This involves analyzing the probability of the risk occurring and the potential impact it could have on your business.

  3. Develop a Risk Management Plan: After assessing the likelihood and impact of risks, you need to develop a risk management plan. This plan should outline specific strategies for mitigating the risks you have identified.

  4. Implement Risk Management Strategies: Once you have developed a risk management plan, you must implement the identified strategies. This may include implementing new policies and procedures, investing in new technologies, or training employees.

  5. Monitor and Review the Effectiveness of your Risk Management Plan: Finally, you need to regularly monitor and review the effectiveness of your risk management plan. This will help you identify new risks that may emerge and ensure that your risk management strategies are still effective. 

By following these tips, you can effectively manage risk in your business and protect your financial stability, minimize disruptions, and improve decision-making.

Balancing Quality and Growth

balancing quality and growth

As a small business owner, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of growth and expansion. After all, who doesn't want to see their business thrive and succeed? You want to see it grow and flourish, attract new customers, and increase profitability. However, it's important to remember that growth isn't the only measure of success.

Maintaining high-quality standards is just as important too. It's important to remember that growth can come at a cost if you neglect the quality of your products or services. Striving for growth without maintaining a high standard of quality can lead to dissatisfied customers, negative reviews, and ultimately, a decline in sales.

On the other hand, prioritizing quality over growth can mean missing out on opportunities for expansion and increased profitability. So, finding the right balance between quality and growth is crucial for achieving long-term success.

Keeping The Business Alive

keeping the business alive

"Fear will keep you alive in a war. Fear will keep you alive in a business. There's nothing wrong with fear." - Norman Schwarzkopf

When you want to become a business owner, the first thing you have to learn is you have to be committed. You have to embrace not just the reward it will bring but also the everyday challenges and problems that you may encounter as a business owner. 

One of the most challenging things about being a business owner is keeping the business alive. There are a number of factors that can affect a company's success, and it can be difficult to predict which ones will crop up. However, by taking steps to prevent problems and preparing for potential challenges, businesses can stay afloat even when the going gets tough.

You should develop clear objectives so the obstacles must give way. Without a roadmap, it can be hard to know where to focus when faced with new opportunities or challenges. And more importantly, creating goals and objectives will help you track progress and make decisions based on actual results rather than wishful thinking.


"Challenges help you grow, reach new levels, and gain new skills to become the next version of yourself." - Firas

Organizing a business can be a great experience, providing excitement and satisfaction when things go according to plan. But when things don't go as planned the feelings of joy could quickly change to angst and frustration. Being prepared for the probable drawbacks of running a business will help make these trials more manageable.