Marriage and Personality: Exploring the Temperament Connection

Uncover how personality impacts marriage dynamics, exploring temperaments.

temperament connection

Today, we will be exploring the intriguing connection between marriage and personality traits. Have you ever wondered how our temperament and character dimensions influence our marital satisfaction? Are couples with similar temperaments more compatible and satisfied in their relationships? These are questions that have captivated researchers and individuals alike, as we strive to understand the dynamics of successful marriages. 

On the other hand, marriage is a beautiful yet complex journey that brings two people together for a lifetime. One of the keys to a successful and enduring marriage is understanding and appreciating each other's temperaments. 

A temperament is a set of inherent traits that influence an individual's behavior, reactions, and emotions. In a marriage, knowing and appreciating your partner's temperament can make a significant difference in how you communicate, resolve conflicts, and find joy together.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the four primary temperament types: sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic, and explore how they impact marriages. So, let's dive in and discover how temperament types can shape and enhance your marriage!

Understanding the Four Types of Temperament


Psychologists have identified four different temperament types which are sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic. These temperament types have been found to have an impact on family issues, including marriage.

When it comes to marriage, people with opposite temperament types often interact best with each other. Imagine a very determined and confident person making a calm and easygoing person feel better. While a sensitive and thoughtful person can become happier when they spend time with an outgoing and cheerful person.

Sanguine Temperament


The sanguine temperament is characterized by sociability, enthusiasm, and a zest for life. Sanguine individuals are typically outgoing, cheerful, and spontaneous. They bring a sense of adventure and positivity to their relationships. They also have a diverse emotional tension and are known for their ability to find a way out of difficult situations. Sanguine people are typically friendly and always have a smile on their face. They have a lot of energy and are open to new projects.

Meanwhile, when two sanguine individuals marry, their marriage is likely to be happy and they are likely to be easy-going friends. However, challenges may arise when a sanguine individual marries someone with a different temperament type. It is important to understand and navigate the differences in temperament in order to have a successful and harmonious marriage.

Choleric Temperament


Choleric individuals are driven, goal-oriented, and natural leaders. They tend to be assertive, confident, and decisive. While their ambition can be a strength, it can also present challenges in a marriage. Choleric individuals have a tendency to hold onto negative emotions and then release them explosively. 

When two choleric individuals come together in a relationship, it can lead to intense arguments and conflicts. It is important to understand and appreciate the unique traits and tendencies of choleric individuals. They may struggle with low self-esteem and have difficulty making decisions. It is crucial to provide support and understanding in these areas.

Melancholic Temperament

melancholic temperament

Melancholic individuals are introspective, detail-oriented, and deeply empathetic. They often have a strong sense of duty and can be perfectionists. Their sensitivity can bring depth to a marriage, but it may also lead to overthinking.

Communication and empathy play an important role in addressing challenges and finding common ground. Active listening, expressing emotions in a constructive way, and finding shared activities can help strengthen the bond between melancholic and its opposite temperament partner. It is also important to seek professional help, such as marriage counseling, if needed, to navigate the specific challenges of this temperament combination.

Phlegmatic Temperament


Phlegmatic individuals are easygoing, calm, and good-natured. They excel at maintaining peace and harmony in their relationships. In phlegmatic marriage, conflicts are rare. Both spouses have a similar temperament and are naturally inclined to avoid arguments and disagreements. This can create a peaceful and harmonious environment within the relationship. However, when conflicts do occur, they can be protracted and develop into a long cold war.

However, due to their passive nature, Phlegmatics may struggle with assertiveness and expressing their needs and desires openly. This can lead to a lack of communication and unresolved issues within the marriage. 

It is important for both partners to develop effective communication techniques and learn to express themselves assertively in order to maintain a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

How do the Four Temperaments Interact Each Other in a Marriage?

Sanguine and Melancholic


The Sanguine person usually gets along well with other temperaments. But, they need to be careful when dealing with Melancholic individuals. However, their partnership can be very promising because the naturally positive Sanguine can help boost the confidence of the often self-doubting Melancholic.

The Sanguine, who is typically outgoing and cheerful, might find it a bit challenging to connect with Melancholics, who tend to be more reserved and often hard on themselves. However, this combination can be quite rewarding. The Sanguine's constant optimism can be like a guiding light for the Melancholic, who often questions their own abilities. In this relationship, the Sanguine becomes a source of encouragement, helping the Melancholic overcome self-doubt and discover their strengths, ultimately fostering personal growth and resilience in the partnership.

Melancholic and Melancholic



When two Melancholic individuals come together, their lives can feel dull and dramatic. They often struggle to handle problems and may become easily upset. If one partner is feeling sad, the complaints and unhappiness of the other can make things even worse.

In this kind of relationship, both people are often deep thinkers and want things to be perfect. But this can sometimes result in a lack of excitement and too much focus on problems. So, when one person is already feeling down, hearing the other person complain can make things even more sad and frustrating. It's important for such couples to find ways to bring more positivity into their lives and relationships.

Choleric and Melancholic



Getting along in a marriage between a Choleric and a Melancholic can be quite challenging. The confident and assertive Choleric might unintentionally hurt the sensitive Melancholic. What makes it even more complicated is how they handle conflicts. 

When arguments arise between the two, choleric individuals move on quickly and almost as if it never happened. However, Melancholic people tend to carry hurtful words and grudges in their minds for a long time. They find it hard to forget and forgive, which can create a lot of tension in the relationship. This difference in how they deal with conflicts can make their marriage tricky to navigate. They need to work together on understanding and finding ways to manage these differences for a happier and healthier relationship.

Choleric and choleric



Imagine the marriage of two Choleric people like a volcano ready to explode. Their intense emotions can make everyday life feel like walking on a potential powder keg. To make their marriage work, it's very important for both choleric partners to learn self-control.

Choleric individuals often have fiery tempers and strong personalities. When they both have such powerful emotions, it can lead to frequent arguments and tension within the family. To keep their marriage from turning into a constant battleground, they need to learn how to manage their tempers and communicate calmly. By mastering self-control and finding healthier ways to express their feelings, they can give their marriage a better chance of lasting and being more peaceful for everyone involved.

Phlegmatic and phlegmatic


In phlegmatic-phlegmatic marriage, arguments are not common but when they do occur, they can be long-lasting, like a never-ending silent disagreement. Surprisingly, divorces in these families are rare.

Because both partners usually avoid conflicts and are easy to get along with, big fights are not common. But when disagreements do arise, they tend to linger, creating a sort of cold war with little to no communication. Oddly enough, even though they may not talk much during these times, divorces are hardly ever seen in these types of families. It's as if their natural ability to keep the peace helps them overcome tough times and stay together.

Phlegmatic and choleric 

Picture a couple where one person is very laid-back, and the other is always on the go. The calm partner might find the active one a bit too much at times. They could get a little scared or stressed by all the activity. It's like when you're trying to enjoy a quiet day, and suddenly there's a lot of noise and commotion.

In such situations, it's important for the couple to find a balance that works for both, so they can enjoy their life together without too much stress.

Sanguine and phlegmatic

In a married couple where one person is always happy and outgoing, while the other is quiet and not very emotional, usually the happy person can find ways to understand and get along with the calm one. However, if the calm partner keeps acting distant and uninterested all the time, it can annoy the cheerful person. This annoyance can build up over time, and at some point, it might explode into a big fight or argument. So, it's important for both partners to communicate and find a balance in their relationship to avoid this kind of problem.

Melancholic and phlegmatic 


In these two temperaments have a good chance to have a happy marriage. However, when they do have disagreements, these can stretch out for a while. It's better for them to have open conversations about what's bothering them rather than keeping silent and letting bad feelings grow.

Talking it out can help them resolve issues and maintain a peaceful and loving relationship.

Sanguine and Sanguine 

sanguine individuals are usually great at making connections and getting along with others. They have qualities that are super helpful in building a happy family. But when two sanguine people are in one family, they might both want to be in charge, which can create a bit of a power struggle. It's not that their temperament is a problem; it's just that they both like to lead, and that can lead to some conflicts. They'll need to find ways to work together and balance their leadership qualities to make their family life more harmonious.

Sanguine and choleric 

These two couples have strong personalities, they often have different ideas and can't always agree on things. In these situations, the more patient and gentler sanguine partner might need to compromise and calm down their partner, who tends to be more impulsive and impatient. It's like finding a middle ground, so they can make decisions and solve problems together without too much conflict. It can be a bit tough, but it's an essential part of making their relationship work.


Understanding the temperament connection in marriage is essential for building a strong and lasting relationship. By embracing and appreciating your partner's temperament, you can navigate challenges, communicate effectively, and foster a loving and supportive marriage. Remember, a successful marriage is not about changing your partner but about growing together.